Wednesday, November 2, 2011

poor Adele.

Well, I just got finished with my voice lesson annnd it was less than wonderful.It is just not a good singing week for me. It's because I'm on the rag, but that is just annoying. Can I say on the rag on my blog? Well, I'm going to.  So I've been noticing this week that I have a lot of tension in my jaw, and it is pretty much kicking my butt. For warm ups we just did some buzzes and some i's. I have been getting my mouth set up before I actually sing the i vowel and that was messing me up. We practiced just saying i like you would just speak it and then I sang it correctly. My tongue is doing all sorts of weird things in my mouth these days, and I know exactly what it is. Dr.Hepworth said it best: "you're trying too hard". I think I really just need to let go and kind of just let the sound come out instead of trying to focus on all the minuscule things. I know that you have to focus on the little things in order to get the correct sound because, after all, it is the little things that count. But, I just focus so much on one thing that I don't even think about the other things and the proper sound is going to come from doing all the correct things in conjunction with each other, not just keeping my tongue forward, or having a bright sound. I need to figure out how to just bring it all together. I kind of view it as like spinning gears. I don't know if this is totally insane, but this is how I see it. I'll be working on something and I'll have a really bright sound because it's all pushed up in my nose, but then the gear is only like inching around instead of spinning smoothly because my throat isn't open and my tongue is way to far back and all that good stuff. That is just some weird thing that is in my head. This week when I practice I'm going to spend a lot of time with my hand in front of my mouth so I can feel if the sound is where I want it or not. I'm also going to really focus on my tongue. I do a lot of shaping my vowels with my jaw rather than my tongue which is going to be a really hard habit to break. Using the tongue so much just feels really foreign, but it's going to make things so much easier eventually. The diphthongs in So In Love are really putting up a fight, but once I get my tongue under control, I should be able to tackle them without a problem. Oh, and then we also did this weird extroverted and introverted lion face thing which was pretty much hilarious, but it's really nice for relaxing your face and neck muscles which I really need to do. So there is my life this week.

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha! I so appreciate your candid is some of my favorite reading material--just because you are so bluntly honest and "out there". Your self-awareness is wonderful--unusually acute and mature for someone as young as you! Everyone has an "off" week---the key is to not let it get us down. We must fight through tons of garbage to get to the gold!
