Thursday, February 17, 2011

Holy Beautiful Day.

First off, I'm way off on my weeks so I'm just not going to title these by week anymore. Second off, it is like the nicest day in February EVER, and I wish it was like this every single day. Third, I just got done with my lesson, and as usual, I feel a million times better leaving it than entering. This week I actually felt pretty alright because I was kind of getting into the groove of practicing. One thing that I never told Dr.Hepworth during my lesson because I just kind of thought of it right now, but the one thing that holds me back when it comes to practicing is I get really self conscious. I do a lot of things in my dorm room, but I need to get into a practice room more often. I just don't want people to hear me.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's really dumb, but something that bothers me. My other problem this week, that is no secret, is that I just get so freaking frustrated. I just want to be good.  I totally understand that you have to practice to get better, but I'm just not used to it. I'm not giving up hope at all, once I set my mind to something I WILL do it. I just hate feeling so far away from my goals. Everyone keeps telling me just to sweat this semester out, and once I get into the swing of things it's going to just feel awesome. I just worry. Ha, what's new though? Okay. Positive attitude from here on promises on that one, but it's a good thought. So my practice regimen for this week is to sing my songs on an "e" and work on some tongue excersises by saying today, kitty, and I forgot the last one so I will need to ask Dr.Hepworth about that. OH, and I'm not going to get all flustered this week either. Good luck to me!


  1. Ohhh I remember...last one is ducka!

  2. Shoot! I just posted a HUGE response to your blog and it was erased by my carelessness. Well, I will try to remember everything I typed before.
    Here it goes...
    I wanted to thank you for writing such a thorough post---it is always important for me to "see" what you are thinking in terms of practicing. I agree--getting into a practice room will help immensely. It will also help keep you focused. Dorm rooms are horrible to practice in, especially if you are wanting to have a QUALITY rehearsal. You can always score study in your room, but I highly recommend getting out of there and into a practice room. It always makes me feel like I accomplish more! should talk to Jordyn Vogel about her voice journey. You are both in similar situations. She had some frustrating hurdles to overcome vocally. Just this semester she is seeing results! She is now singing beautifully. Give it time and lots of practice!
    One more thing...I think that singing Soprano II will help immensely when implementing your new vocal techniques. Thank Dr. Lofgren for accommodating. Many choral directors would not EVER make that kind of adjustment for the betterment of their students!
    Have a lovely week and keep up the good work!
