Thursday, April 14, 2011

square one.

Well, I'm finally getting better after being sick, but I feel like I'm right back where I started this semester. I'm afraid this is a vicious cycle. I can't afford to get sick and have to recover and then start all over again. Also, I'm terrified of singing in recital next week. Generally, I'm quite the confident girl. The way I carry myself, the way I dress, the work I do....I love everything about that. However, when it comes to singing, that is just my downfall. I expect so much of myself that it's just impossible for me to please myself. I don't know if it's just from being sick or what, but I've been getting tired after singing for a while. I guess I'm just getting frustrated or something. Not really a good time in the semester for that to happen but I'll work it out. I guess I just need an attitude check and to freaking stay healthy. Hopefully I can pull it together here soon. Gosh I am such a negative Nancy. Oh well though, I shall try and fix that.

1 comment:

  1. The more you sing in public, the less scary it is like finding out there aren't monsters under your bed! Same concept.
    Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and using your sinus wash. When you get frustrated, rather than thinking too much about it, make a list of things you can do IMMEDIATELY....focusing on the negative only breeds negative! Keep your chin up, Jackie. It is a process. For sure!
