Friday, April 22, 2011

Almost done!!

Well, as the semester gets closer to the end, I find it much harder to find motivation. But, having a super good lesson yesterday really helps. Recital actually went very well. I just need to focus on what I'm doing and everything comes pretty easily. Yesterday during my lesson, I was actually finding the buzz. That was pretty exciting. I've been doing a lot of 'e's during practice and just getting it really all up in my nose. It feels really wrong, but it's a lot easier to sing so it must be right! Now I pretty much just need to memorize my rep and I should be good to go for juries. The improvement I've made this semester is still blowing my mind. I am trying to keep a really positive attitude now and just wait for the improvements to keep coming. My biggest thing I want to work on now is figuring out when to sing in my head voice and when to sing in my chest voice. It's like right around the a, b, and cish area that my voice just gets a little confused, but I'm pretty sure that just practicing will clear that up. Summer is in sight...YES!!!

1 comment:

  1. YES! You are almost done! I have been especially pleased with the progress you have made in the past few weeks---the buzz is making a home in your everyday sound....which is awesome! I know that the feeling is strange or foreign, but the sound is glorious, and that is what you want to strive for. My mind is also blown when thinking of the young lady who first stepped through my office door with the story of vocal difficulties. I know that the chest voice/head voice is still something we will continue to work on in future semesters, but I want to make sure you are proud of all you have achieved in this semester!
    Keep up the great work, Jackie! I can't wait for next semester to arrive!
