Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't get sick.

So my last voice lesson was my first one since NATS. Between being sick and having to go to Lincoln for NMTA it was a hectic couple weeks. I hate getting sick because I feel so helpless when I can't practice and then I feel like I don't get anything done. But since NATS is over and I'm on a heavy dosage of vitamin c and cough medicine I think it's time for me to just relax and do what I need to do. I got two new songs in my lesson on Friday (which actually was a make up lesson from last Wednesday). One is So In Love from the musical Kiss Me Kate which is really going to challenge me when it comes to using my lower range. I'm really excited about it though. I LOVE MUSICALS. My other song is Love Has Eyes by Sir Henry Bishop. During my lesson we worked on the german in An Die Musik. I seriously love that song. It is just so pretty. I really think the german is going to be tough on me to get a grasp on, but I'm gonna try my hardest. I think I'm just going to have to listen to it a lot, and hopefully the pronunciations get stuck in my head. At the beginning of my lesson we talked about my voice lessons I'm giving for vocal ped right now. It's so funny how everything ties in together. I can just remember so easily when I was in my student's situation. One of my main focuses right now when I'm practicing is keeping my soft palate raised, and having enough air speed when I'm singing in my lower register. I love this semester though! Seriously, I like actually love practicing and going over my stuff. I just feel good about things, and I'm starting to gain a lot of confidence I knew that I've always had, I just never knew how to access it. Hopefully, I continue to improve! I am kind of worried about just hitting a plateau, but I'm pretty sure I have the right mindset to accomplish what I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Are you using a sinus wash? When we collect pollen, viruses, bacteria and other "delicacies" in our sinuses, they eventually turn to sickness. Consider getting a sinus wash at U save pharmacy. it is approximately $15 and it will save your life!
    I am so proud of the progress you have made---in EVERY aspect...sight singing, vocal ped, and lessons! You are truly beginning to tie many difficult and complex ideas together and you are becoming a TEACHER!
    Keep up the great work....get the sinus wash!
    Dr. H.
