Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Things are becoming more difficult.

Yesterday's lesson wasn't exactly what I'd call successful. My stupid voice is just so tired. I've been really careful and stuff, but it's just really difficult to stay away from all the sicknesses floating around and not overwork my  voice. Tour is tomorrow, work all weekend, choir dress rehearsal on Sunday, choir concert Monday, sing in recital Tuesday, tour on Wednesday. My poor freaking voice. I think I'm deciding that I will sing through the Cohen for the choir concert but none of the other songs because there's no way I will have a voice the next day after all this junk. I am just getting so fed up with everything around here. I'm not going to blog about everything that's pissing me off because that's probably just not a good idea. Also, it is that time of the month so I am just double irritated about everything. Anyways. We went through Chanson d'amour yesterday and it went pretty well. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp for the most part on most of my rep so now I can really start picking everything apart and working on all the little things. I'm pretty sure I've got the French down pretty well for that song. My trouble spots are just the half steps on that one spot where I want to take a whole step every time. Another thing that I'm having a tough time with is getting up to the f on like the o ma rebelle and ou mes baisers parts. It's not really singing the f that's hard, it;s just singing it cleanly. I think I need to approach it differently. I always get all nervous and think great the f is coming up and then I strain for it. I think I need to maybe cut of the note before it just a touch early so I can relax myself instead of just gushing a bunch of air up and hoping what comes out is right. If that makes any sense at all. We started on Nacht Und Traume but didn't get too far. We talked about the ich-lauts and auch-lauts which was pretty helpful because I was lost on how to do those. We did La conocchia last and that one went pretty well. Its starting to get easier switching from head to chest so that is always nice. And I don't think I have any more complaints today so I think this blog will stop here.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling a bit better, dear. I understand that you are being vocally pushed to the limit and feel fatigued. Remember, YOU have the control over how much you sing/don't sing. Remember also to monitor the use of your speaking voice. I am sorry you are frustrated...this is a good test for your stress level for future events (such as teaching:-).
    Please know I am here to help you. Keep up the good work, and when you feel frustrated with singing, just give yourself a bit of a break.
