Thursday, February 16, 2012

Alright, in my lesson Tuesday we started out with some buzzes and then we did duckas kittys and todays up and down five. I totally forgot about those when I've been practicing so they are making a huge come back because I super suck at those. We also did some i's while I was turning my head side to side. That was a really interesting exercise. It was hard but like easier at the same time if that makes any sense?! Yesterday when I was practicing I worked on Vanilla Ice Cream and La Conocchia and I used that method in both of them and it really helps keep  when I have too much tension and strain in check. We worked on Kiss Me Not Goodbye too. That song is a lot harder than I thought. There's a lot of switching from head to chest, but it's short so it's not too taxing at all. It went pretty well, but I just have to be suuuuuper aware of dipthongs. They were pretty much owning me. La Conocchia was next which may be making a run for one of my favorite songs. I'm working real hard on switching to from head to chest which I'm finding is a lot easier in some parts versus others. I also need to look at a few of the high spots and do a little bit of modifying. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Phil came to my lesson to help. He is awesome. We started on Vanilla Ice Cream but I couldn't get very far because I was getting pretty tired. Choir is calling for some pretty intense singing since we're getting down to the wire and all. BUT  I promise I am being very careful and am using a lot of caution!! There is no way I'm going to blow out my voice again. I feel like I'm finally at a point where my voice is almost 100 percent healthy since high school. I get really upset sometimes because I feel like I really did a lot of damage in the past that maybe limits me now, but I am finally feeling like I can do this instead of having to which brings me to the last thing that I've been putting a lot of focus on....confidence. I think a lot of my worrying and stressing is all in my head. Okay no, I KNOW that it's all in my head. Ever since I sang in studio a couple weeks ago and Katie Hansen made the comment that I need to get an ego that's really stuck with me. I know I've made bounds and leaps of improvement since I started, but you can never be too confident. So that's my game plan for life basically. It's weird because I'm a really confident person when it just comes to life, but when it comes to music I lose it all. However, it is a work in progress, and I promise and I know it's going to get better.

1 comment:

  1. You TOTALLY need an ego, lady! Think of all the wonderful things you have accomplished in the last year, alone. You have a really solid plan---I think that you should focus on what you have mastered (like being able to communicate difficult technical ideas to other singers) rather than how far you have to go. Actually, I should take my own advice once in a while! I understand how much of our voices are connected to our self-worth. This is what we do, and we want to be good at it!
    Keep up the great work...
    Dr. H.
