Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tour week.

We had choir tour this week and I was really surprised at how well my voice handled it. Usually, my voice would be shot after two performances, but we did five total throughout the two days and I'm really tired, but it's not even from singing, it's just from lack of sleep. That's a really good feeling for me because I can finally tell that my voice is getting much stronger. Practice has been going well, I've just been going over my songs, and I think I'm starting to get a pretty good feel for them. One thing I think I need help with is warm ups. I guess my question is if there is like a certain order I should do vocalises in or how many I should do or maybe even learn some new ones. I'm still trying to find the "buzz" also. I just don't think I know what I'm looking for. I've tried experimenting, but I just cannot figure that out. Since midterms are over I have a feeling time is going to just start flying. It's going to be my time to sing in recital before I know it. I am still terrified, but we will cross that bridge once we get to it!

1 comment:

  1. YEA!!!! I am so glad you are experiencing some success! I am especially happy to hear that you are not feeling as vocally fatigued as you have in the past. Don't forget about our make-up lesson tomorrow morning--11:00am! I am excited to catch up and work more on your growing technique. We will discuss your vocalises and the process/sequence for warming up. The /i/ vowel (ee) is the best vowel to help you find the buzz. Again, we will work more on that tomorrow.
    Don't worry about your performance! It will be spectacular. Keep your eye on the are doing some great things!
