Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sick week.

Well, last Friday I came down with a stupid cold and it is still going on, but luckily it is finally winding down. It was the stupid cough and plugged nose kind of cold so I didn't get into the practice room very much this week, but I did work on some listening and literature. But today in voice lessons I did get some singing done and the buzz came easier today than usual. I've really been trying to apply everything I learn when we're rehearsing in choir. That seems to be helping me quite a bit as well. When I am actually singing with a buzz the sound seems to flow easier than before. Ever since I started lessons this semester, singing just seems to be a lot of work! <--Not a complaint! But I just find myself concentrating on where my tongue is placed in my mouth or if my jaw is dropped, or how the air is flowing. I think I made a really good realization today in lessons when Dr.Hepworth told me to feel the air moving like down my nose. I could literally feel that and I could envision the air moving kind of if that makes any sense? Also, I learned a new way to manage my stress today by breathing in colors. Very much appreciated.

You're the best Dr.Hepworth :)

1 comment:

  1. AW Jackie! You are so great! I really should take my own advice more often and breathe colors on a regular basis....perhaps once every morning when I arrive to work!
    I think you had a breakthrough yesterday! Everyone understands the voice and how it works a little is my job to find out HOW you visualize or understand the voice and its resonating chambers and describe it in a way that makes sense. I now know how I should explain all of the "buzzing" and "resonances"!!! It was a breakthrough for me as well! Go, US!
    Keep up the great work....
