Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sick week.

Well, last Friday I came down with a stupid cold and it is still going on, but luckily it is finally winding down. It was the stupid cough and plugged nose kind of cold so I didn't get into the practice room very much this week, but I did work on some listening and literature. But today in voice lessons I did get some singing done and the buzz came easier today than usual. I've really been trying to apply everything I learn when we're rehearsing in choir. That seems to be helping me quite a bit as well. When I am actually singing with a buzz the sound seems to flow easier than before. Ever since I started lessons this semester, singing just seems to be a lot of work! <--Not a complaint! But I just find myself concentrating on where my tongue is placed in my mouth or if my jaw is dropped, or how the air is flowing. I think I made a really good realization today in lessons when Dr.Hepworth told me to feel the air moving like down my nose. I could literally feel that and I could envision the air moving kind of if that makes any sense? Also, I learned a new way to manage my stress today by breathing in colors. Very much appreciated.

You're the best Dr.Hepworth :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Buzz buzz.

This week I focused a lot on my Italian pieces. One of the big things I worked on were trilling my rs on pitch. I also hammered down a few rhythms I was having a few difficulties in Vergin Tutto Amor and Tu Lo Sai. I also got a new song this week which is just an English song called "To A Wild Rose". I like it a ton better than "If Music Be the Food of Love". I really don't know why I don't like that song, but it just annoys me for some reason. It's really awesome that Dr.Hepworth let me kick that one out of my repitoire because a lot of teachers would just make you suck it up and sing it anyways. I still really can't figure out the buzz thing. The thing that confuses me is I think I know when I have it, but then other times Dr.Hepworth will tell me that I'm doing well, but I can't feel a buzz at all. Is it supposed to be like really apparent or what? This buzz thing is driving me up the wall! And I know I'm supposed to find it by getting my tongue out of the way of my throat but I cannot freaking figure it out. I'm hoping someday it will just click and all my problems will magically vanish. April 20th is when I have to sing on recital and it is looming closer and closer. I think I am going to sing "Vergin Tutto Amore", but we shall see.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tour week.

We had choir tour this week and I was really surprised at how well my voice handled it. Usually, my voice would be shot after two performances, but we did five total throughout the two days and I'm really tired, but it's not even from singing, it's just from lack of sleep. That's a really good feeling for me because I can finally tell that my voice is getting much stronger. Practice has been going well, I've just been going over my songs, and I think I'm starting to get a pretty good feel for them. One thing I think I need help with is warm ups. I guess my question is if there is like a certain order I should do vocalises in or how many I should do or maybe even learn some new ones. I'm still trying to find the "buzz" also. I just don't think I know what I'm looking for. I've tried experimenting, but I just cannot figure that out. Since midterms are over I have a feeling time is going to just start flying. It's going to be my time to sing in recital before I know it. I am still terrified, but we will cross that bridge once we get to it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Finally, a blog that won't be full of complaints! I had a really good week yay! Ever since I got switched to soprano two in choir, everything just seems a lot easier. Today in my lesson we made it through all of my songs, well kind of since I really don't like "If Music Be the Food of Love"...But today was the first time we really actually worked on singing through my repertoire and it felt really really good to feel like I was actually accomplishing something. My next order of business that I need to tackle is figuring out how to find the buzz. I'm really starting to catch on to the whole dropping the jaw thing I think, but I just can't figure out what exactly it is I need to do for the buzz. I suppose it will just involve a lot of practicing and a lot of experimenting. Nothing I can't handle though. I'm starting to get sick with a scratchy sore throat and a head cold sort of thing, but it's in it's infancy yet so I'm hoping that I can kick it to the curb before it will really start affecting me. Tonight is my first choir concert as a soprano so I'm pretty excited for that! Things are finally starting to click and it is super awesome. Let's just hope it stays that way!