Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Okay so for my last voice lesson I had an hour long one to make up for some missed lessons. It was so nice to have all that time, and we got through all of my rep which was also super nice. We started with So In Love from Kiss Me Kate which was the one that I was least prepared for. I worked on it a little, but I wanted to wait til I watched the movie before I worked on it a lot. We went over where to breathe and how to make some of my vowels sound. At first run through of the song I thought it was supposed to be like a sad song, but then I found out that the lady is actually kind of like a masochist and she likes to be hurt. That kind of made the song a little more interesting to me, and that will make the character a lot more fun to play, I think. I believe we did When I Have Sung My Songs next. This song is just really hard to me for some reason. I think it's because I watched Renee Flemming perform it on youtube and that just kind of was not a great plan! English is definetly harder to sing than like my German or Italian pieces. It's much more difficult to get an open throat on this song which we fought for for a long time. I can figure out how to raise my soft palate, but it's just doing all of it at the same time is what's causing a problem for me. Love Has Eyes was next and this one actually seems to be pretty easy for me to sing. We just worked out some breathing spots and a couple of places to ritard at. The hardest part in this song is at the little sideways s thing. I can't remember what it's called right now...but it is RIGHT ON my passagio and it SUCKS! It is the most frustrating thing. I just cannot get my registers to connect. I have done sliding i's up the yin yang and I just cannot get it to work. We did O cessate di piagarmi and I think I just know that song so well that it just naturally comes out easier. Then we did my absolute favorite song An Die Musik. I am kind of screwing the German up majorly I think. The parts where I'm supposed to pucker with an i vowel are not so easy. Breathing is another issue I have with this song. There are quite a few parts where I'm switching from my head to my chest voice and that just gets my breathing all out of wack. I think once I get a little more of a hold on my register changing, holding out the phrases will be easier as well. Lastly, we talked about me doing the honors program which got me super super excited. I have to pump my gpa up a little bit, but I'm super confident that by the end of this semester that should be no problem. Seriously, I was so proud of myself when Dr.Hepworth brought it up to me. It just makes me feel like all my hard work is starting to pay off, and that is seriously an amazing feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked into the honors program any more? I think that as soon as you get your grades, we should start the paperwork....you are hitting stride, lady!
